
Showing posts from June, 2021

Old Campers and Old Men, We Have Some Things in Common

 No pictures today: Most of what I have been doing on the little camper has been pretty repetitive and boring. I have new fraining and a new piece of interior paneling on the rear of the trailer. Most of the siding is now off. Though it is pretty clear which piece goes where, I followed the advice of Larry (Mobiltec) ( ) and labeled each piece. (If you are in a project like this, do it on the inside (unfinished side) of the metal 😅). I also have done the same for windows. There is only one door, so I didn't label it. If I get to the point of not recognizing a door I figure Kathy will need to run an ad for an unfinished camper project. Siding for one of these vintage trailers is really expensive, besides that, I'm trying to save as much of the 53-year-old camper as possible, so I'm refinishing the siding that the guys in Elkhart put on it. I've already told you about the liberally applied house paint. I was using a process that involved a

Moving forward, slowly, on three fronts:

 My project has been delayed by some joyful travel and rainy weather. Last week, we spent the remainder of our frequent flyer miles to visit our son and his family, in Texas. A late plane/missed connection, extended our trip by a day, United put us up in a hotel. It was nice, and the delay gave us an opportunity to have a lovely meal and a great visit with some dear friends. Rose and Tom served at Faith Church in Guam. Tom was our pastor. They "retired" a year before us and live in the Chicago area.  It was all great, but none of it advanced the renewal of the Frolic. Jesus gives new life instantaneously, not so, when Howard does it. Anyhow, I've been able to spend a couple of days working on the trailer this week. Partly because it has been rainy, and partly to stave off boredom with some tedious tasks, I've adopted a strategy of going back and forth between several tasks. I'm continuing to remove the skin, where needed. It looks like all of the wall siding will