
Showing posts from August, 2021

It's been a while.

 Wasn't there some sage who said something like, "Life is what happens while you're waiting to do what you want to/need to do"? If that thought has never been saged, it should have been. My life has been full of travels, work on the yard and house, etc. Plus, the stuff I have done on the camper hasn't been very photogenic. Oh, did I mention, it's rained a lot lately? Since it was raining I started working on a couple of windows. I could do that inside the shop. The windows on the Frolic are different than the ones I see described on the vintage camper sites. Their kinda/sorta, but not quite like the older, more vintage, units. My windows are 2 panes each, with aluminum framing on all 4 edges of each pane. The more "classic" jalousie windows have several narrow pains, with no horizontal framing. Mine seem to work OK, they are cleaning up acceptably, and, for me, they are cheap, as in FREE. Though getting them cleaned up is a time-consuming process--wi