
Showing posts from May, 2021

Continuing . . . You have to walk and chew gum on this project.

 I'm confirming something that I thought I already knew--this project is really a whole bunch of projects. I haven't started all of them, yet, but in order to proceed you have to keep several things in mind as you do something else--wiring, plumbing, interior features, even though you are working on the exterior, etc., etc. The last time I posted, I was still in the take it apart mode. Some of my buddies made jokes about my "drive-through" camper or about "plenty of ventilation. Over the past few days, I've eliminated the rot from the front end, installed new paneling and framing on the front and the front part of wall on the right in the above picture. Along the way, I've figured out some wiring, and, during a rain break began (just a beginning) refinishing the cabinets. It's nice to be at least somewhat into rebuilding. Though, there is still a lot of rip-it-out in front of me.   I'll cut the paneling that is covering the window holes, later, wh

Progress, At Least I Think It Is

 I am sure that you have had difficulty sleeping, wondering how the Frolic project has been coming along. I have continued to work away on it. I didn't take any pictures the last couple of days, so I figured I'd shoot some today, give you an update and leave a record for my future reference.  When I started this morning, this is what the former resident of Mt. Nebo looked like. I had taken the door and a window out and began the skinning process. It doesn't show, but I also spent some time, yesterday scraping an accumulation of fibered aluminum roof paint off the roof. More to come, much more! I am really developing a dislike for clutch-head screws. I had seen these before but never had to work with them. They are really common on old trailers. You also find them in some old cars. It must be that they go in a lot easier than they come out. After some work, I found some bits for my driver. I have a couple more on the way. Actually, the screws that aren't rusty and/or gob

Got Started

 I just retired for the second time. The assignment I had for the last 4.5 years was pretty intense, so I decided a while back that I was going to get into a hands-on project for a change of pace. When I was in Virginia for a visit, last Christmas, I bought my project, a 1968 (same year I graduated from high school) Frolic, travel trailer.  I suppose you could say that I started on it back at Christmas time. I pulled the stove top out--gap, above--so I could clean it up and I sanded and painted the wheels before getting new tires on the rims, so I could drag it home from Mt. Nebo, WV. Mostly, though, I just put a tarp over it and parked it until I moved back, which was May 5. I got started for real today.  Job #1 is to remove a bunch of screws and goop, so I can get some skin off of it. I got the corning trim and awning-rail off one side of it, today. My suspiciont that the corner framing is rotten was confirmed. I have to get the windows and door pulled out, and remove some screws tha