
Showing posts from June, 2022

We really are finishing up!

 At my age, I think a lot about finishing well. When I say that I'm talking about life, but it also applies to projects. The following are all finishing up tasks on the Frolic project. I built and installed the bathroom and closet doors. The closet door is a mirror door. I used a mirror that was mounted solid in the same location as the door. In the picture above, the mirror door is open at 90 degrees. That allows one to use the kitchen sink and the mirror for grooming. Kathy is covering the bed/seat cushions. As you would expect, they look nice. I've got the floor almost ready for tile. Stay tuned.

I am pretty sure it'll get done.

 I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, but I do want to share some more progress. I've got the two doors made, one for the bathroom, acrylic on the inside and painted paneling on the outside, and the closet door. It incorporates the original equipment mirror on the outside. They are being painted before installation, though I have already done a trial fitting. I think they'll be OK. The little closet is painted I got the on-demand, propane water heater installed. I was able to show it off when Kathy came home from an exercise group she's a part of. It appears to work great.  I mounted the hose bib that is the drain for the gray water tank I have found numerous times, sometimes concerning matters that are much more important than an old camper, that long projects tend to follow a common path. Often at the beginning, or sometimes after you've been at it for a while--that's how this project has been--the job seems insurmountable, "I'll never get do

The world's tiniest bathroom:

 I've promised pictures for a while now. I have some, but they aren't very good. I've been working on the little--did I mention it is small--bathroom. Back at the beginning of my work on the Frolic, I bought a 32x24 shower pan. The plan was to make a little wet bath. It may be little but it was a lot of work. The back wall curves up and becomes the ceiling. The outside wall has a small window. That'll provide ventilation. The wall toward the front of the camper is the only one without curves. On the other side of that wall is a 10-inch wide closet. The wall that divides the wet bath from the main part of the camper is mostly the door. I'll build that next.  There will be a small demand water heater on the closet wall. I've checked. As long as my knees don't get much stiffer, I fit. :) Everything in the little room is white, so it doesn't photograph very well.  You can see the drain on the right. There is no room for a black tank, so we'll use a porta