Got Started

 I just retired for the second time. The assignment I had for the last 4.5 years was pretty intense, so I decided a while back that I was going to get into a hands-on project for a change of pace.

When I was in Virginia for a visit, last Christmas, I bought my project, a 1968 (same year I graduated from high school) Frolic, travel trailer. 

I suppose you could say that I started on it back at Christmas time. I pulled the stove top out--gap, above--so I could clean it up and I sanded and painted the wheels before getting new tires on the rims, so I could drag it home from Mt. Nebo, WV. Mostly, though, I just put a tarp over it and parked it until I moved back, which was May 5.

I got started for real today. 
Job #1 is to remove a bunch of screws and goop, so I can get some skin off of it. I got the corning trim and awning-rail off one side of it, today. My suspiciont that the corner framing is rotten was confirmed. I have to get the windows and door pulled out, and remove some screws that go through the siding. Then I can get the skin off of this side and start repairing it.

That third picture gives you an idea of the goop I'm dealing with. I got all the trip off of side one, today.
Stay tuned.

BTW. Mt. Nebo is a solemn place in Scripture. Frolic is the opposite. Any ideas for a name? 




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