The Best Laid (Well at least somewhat acceptably laid) Schemes of Mice and Old Pastors Gang Aft A-gley.

 Apologies to Robert Burns and English teachers for abusing a good line.

One of the realities of life on this sphere is that plans often don't work out. My plan when I retired the second time, back in May, was to spend the summer redoing this trailer and then tack it out west on a major adventure. The truth is fixing fifty+ years of wear, tear, and rot plus upgrading some of what was originally built into the trailer is just more than I could accomplish in 100 days or so. So, we're going to delay our big trip until the spring. In the mean time I'll keep plugging away on the project.

I don't think the rest of Burns' words will apply, at least I hope not.

I'll keep you posted.


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