Getting the last 2 pieces of corner trim cleaned up.

 It doesn't look like that big a deal, but getting these two pieces of corner trim cleaned up was quite a process. Over the years they had collected several coats of paint, a liberal application, or 2, of silicon caulk, and, the part that joins the roof to the side had been slathered with fibered aluminum roof paint. Here are a couple of pictures at the halfway point. One piece is clean and nice the other is waiting its turn.

Both are done, now. 
Step 1: Heat gun & scraper, plus a couple of other implements of destruction for good measure.
Step 2: Wire brush on a drill. For the worst places, I used a side grinder with a brush attachment.
Step 2: Palm sander.
Step 4: Hand sand with fine sandpaper.
Step 5: Solvent (I had some Frombie's laying around. I suspect lacquer thinner would have worked as
             well) with fine steel wool.
Step 5: Wash it down with water and Dawn detergent.
Step 6: Eat supper.


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