Two Major Reliefs

 I did a lot of measuring, researching, consulting, at least a little worrying, and a good bit of praying about what to do about Frolic's running gear. It has an old set of wheels that are rarer than hen's teeth. I couldn't find a spare. A breakdown on the road could be ugly. Frolic was made in 68, an era of change, not only for the people of America but for the trailer industry. I'm told that about that time was when spindles--the things hubs or brake drums are mounted on. The wheels attach to the hubs or drums, allowing the wheels on the trailers to go round and round. After a lot of angst, research, and prayer I ordered a new set of stuff that looked like it would fit. A, "Thank You, LORD!" went up when they actually did fit.

I spent most of a week getting the freshwater plumbing done. tank, pump, connection for hooking up to city water, etc. I am joyful about letting you know that the test was dripless.

Rejoice with me.

BTW, I'm about to get to some things that I can take pictures of. Stay tuned.


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