Leaks and Assorted Problems

 Some people would say, Everything was going too well--even if it was going slowly. A streak of bad luck was bound to come." 

Well, I don't believe in luck. I used to tell my runner son, before a track or cross-country meet, "Son, I don't believe in luck. Run hard."

I do, however, believe and try to be guided by Solomon's wisdom. "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all" (Ecclesiastes 9:11, ESV). If you didn't reach Solomon's final conclusion, you might say, "That looks an awful lot like luck to me." I'll leave it to you to look at the wise king's final thoughts on the matter. It is clear that if one never looks up from Solomon's "under the sun" view, luck is about as good an explanation as any. The bottom line on the matter is seeing luck as if it were some kind of capricious entity out to randomly reward or hurt is just one of the ways we mortals try to explain life's happenstance. It is what it is.

Murphy, whoever he is, or was, is famous for his rather cynical "law." 

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Various addendums and comments have been offered on Murphy's observation. The one I like best, or perhaps I should say "least" is from another wise observer--could he be a cynic?--whose identity, like Murphy's is long-lost except for a rather generic name. Dooley says, "Murphy is an optimist."

Enough rambling. Mine is way beyond the designation of a "First-world problem." It's a minor setback on a frivolous project. I'm in the process of working through it. I'm going to order the stuff so I can work on it. Unless something truly major happens I'll get it fixed.

I discovered a leak in Frolic. 

I think it's like many of the problems we face in life. It has a solution. I wish I didn't have to mess with it. I have other things to do to finish getting Frolic road-ready. But, work on it will. I'll let you know.


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