i've been busy, so has the irresistible decline of all things.

 I've been busy, really busy actually, on the Frolic. It's just that nothing I've done recently has been very photogenic. 

  • I got started on building a new tabletop. I'm using oak, cherry, and maybe a little walnut in a chevron butcher block design. The countertop will be out of the same material. So far, I made a ripping sled to allow me to cut the pieces more accurately. I actually cut up some oak and cherry to make the strips. I've glued up two of the four pieced that will make up the table. So far I'm encouraged.
  • I've figured and researched, looking for an answer to what to do about the brakes, drums, and bearings. The question has been, "Can I keep the axle I have?" Like the little train, "I think I can." but I have to confirm the fit after the new parts arrive.
  • I've painted.
  • AND, I've figured on, fetched materials for, measured for, figured some more on, worked on, fetched more stuff for, and wrestled with the plumbing on the little trailer. Plumbing is my least favorite hands-on task.
I'm thinking that pretty soon several things will come together and I'll have something to show you.

Meanwhile, I hit a bit of a snag. My plan, up until now, had been to use the toilet that was in Frolic. It has a black tank which I thought was OK. I have a new drain valve to go on it. I was also planning to make the little bathroom a wet bath, so you could take what passes for a shower in a tiny camper. I was doing some measuring and figuring for the plumbing in regard to the above plan. The black tank on Frolic is under a raised portion of the floor. I needed to pull up that piece of flooring to get a better look, so I'd know where to position the shower pan These two pictures show what I found.

Turns out the plastic out of which the tank is made has turned brittle with the passage of time. When I had "checked" it a while back I had simply put a good bit of water in it and rejoiced that it didn't leak. If I had filled it to the top, I would have found out differently.

I've got a few options. One is to do away with the bathroom all together. There are two problems with that option. One is I have already purchased part for a shower and put in plumbing with the intention of having a wet bath. The other real problem is Kathy really wants Frolic to have a bathroom, small though it may be. 

So, either I'll get another black tank or go with a cassette toilet. I'm open to suggestions. Either way, I'll still make it a wet bath.

I should have known it would be plumbing! 




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